Like most dental offices across the country, Spring Lake Dental Care is currently open only for dental emergencies. The closure of our office to elective dental treatment is part of our effort to help “flatten the curve” and reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus in our community. Since most individuals have limited or no access to general dentistry and routine dental care during the crisis, it is very important to make sure we are all taking the best possible care of our teeth and gums while we stay at home. Spring Lake Dental Care will reopen for routine dental treatment, cosmetic dentistry procedures, and all of the other advanced services we provide at some point soon. Until then, our dentists would like to share some quick and easy tips on how you can maintain your oral health and minimize the potential for developing serious dental problems during the self-isolation period.
The following guideline is a summary of some very helpful information published in Healthline, an online health information resource. These simple at-home routines can go a long way toward keeping your dental and periodontal health in the best shape possible, as well as helping your body’s immune system focus its attention more on fighting viruses and other general health threats and less on potential dangers to oral health:
Daily Brushing and Flossing
It’s the traditional recommendation, and it certainly holds true during these challenging times: brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss at least once each day. These basic brushing and flossing regimens can address the progressive accumulation of plaque and bacteria on the teeth and along the gums. By brushing and flossing regularly, you can reduce the possibility that gum disease, painful cavities, or other severe concerns may develop.
Clean Your Toothbrush Regularly
The soft bristles and the plastic materials used to compose a toothbrush are susceptible to viruses and other invisible organisms, so it’s important to give it a thorough cleaning on a regular basis. One of the best ways to sanitize a toothbrush is by soaking it in a combination of mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide for a while. Afterward, give it a good rinse in water, and then it should be clean and ready for use again.
Rinse Your Mouth with an Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
A twice-daily mouth rinse with a non-alcohol mouthwash product is a recommended addition to your oral hygiene routine. The reason why it’s typically better to use mouthwashes and toothpastes that do not contain alcohol or antibacterial ingredients is because these agents could potentially produce a negative effect on the body’s immune system, which we need working at its maximum potential during the pandemic. Even just rinsing with saltwater a few times each day can be helpful for maintaining oral health!
Drink Lots of Water and Maintain a Healthy Diet
Be sure to hydrate often throughout the day, and try your best to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods in your daily diet. Items that contain excessive amounts of sugar and starch should be avoided, or at least minimized. Also, if you can’t stay away from hard foods or candies, please be careful when you bite down; otherwise, you could potentially break a tooth (or a restoration), which may end up requiring an emergency office visit.
Remember, even though our office is closed for elective dental procedures, we are available to treat dental emergencies. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please don’t hesitate to call us at (732) 449-5666. If you have any other questions, you can call our office or contact us online. We’ll get through this together, so let’s all keep doing our part to #flattenthecurve!